Photo by: STRF/STAR MAX/IPx 2020 10/20/20 Big Business in New York City.

Niall Ferguson, Senior Fellow at Hoover Institution, spoke with Brian Kilmeade about the controversy with big tech censoring republicans on Facebook, Twitter & Google. Ferguson, who predicted big tech’s systematic censorship of conservatives in his 2017 book “The Square and the Tower” said the censorship is not surprising because the big tech companies were shocked at President Trump’s victory and have been rethinking about the way they would handle the next election. Ferguson says conservatives only have themselves to blame for big tech becoming far too political because they waited until the last months of President Trump’s first term. When asked if it is worth it for big tech risking alienating half the country with their bias, Ferguson believes with big tech swimming in money, the pressure they’re going to be under between now and Election Day will be entirely worth it if the outcome is the blue wave landslide Biden victory that they fantasize about.

Click here to order The Square and the Tower: Networks, Hierarchies and the Struggle for Global Power