Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL): President Trump’s Going To Have A Nice Win In Florida

Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) spoke with Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson about the state of the race in the sunshine state of the Florida. Senator Rick Scott explained why he thinks President Trump will win the pivotal swing state. Sen. Scott said,

“President Trump’s going to have a nice win in Florida. And here’s why. He’s going to have a win. People in Florida care about jobs. They elected me three times and my campaign was about jobs all three elections. They care about law enforcement. Democrats want to defund the police. People in Florida do not want to defund the police. Forty nine year lower crime rate people love our sheriff’s departments that are police departments. People want a president whos gonna hold Maduro and Castro regimes accountable. We know that the Biden team, teamed up with Obama did not do that. And so President Trump has held the Castro regime accountable, has done what he can to make sure Guodo become the president of Venezuela. So if you look at the issues that are important to Floridians, Trump’s on the right side. And you know what? Biden had 47 years to do something. And it’s never done anything for Floridians.”

Listen To The Full Interview Below: