Guy Benson Breaks Down The Vice Presidential Debate Between VP Mike Pence & Sen. Kamala Harris

Guy Benson of Fox News Radio opened the Guy Benson Show with a sharp monologue on the first and only vice presidential debate. Guy said,

“So last night, I would say perhaps the most significant moment was a question that was obviously not answered by Kamala Harris. Mike Pence, the vice president, had an opportunity and he took it to really directly challenge Harris on this issue of court packing. He did so I think more forcefully and more effectively than anyone else has for weeks since this became an issue. Right, the press will ask Joe Biden and occasionally Kamala Harris about it, they will read their little scripted answer about not wanting to talk about it and not answering the question, because that’s what the Republicans want to talk about or something. Then the journalists dutifully nod and write that down, and then they print the quote. Trump tried to press Biden on it at their debate last week, but there was so much chaos in that moment that the moment was lost. I would have liked to have seen a follow up on that. So on the Supreme Court last evening, Pence had his opportunity. He took it”

Listen To Guy’s Full Monologue Below: