RNC Spokesperson: Democrats’ “Conspiracy Theories” About The USPS “Need To Be Mocked”

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, RNC Spokesperson Liz Harrington talked about the wild theories Democrats have been coming up regarding mail-in ballots and President Trump’s discussion of defunding the United States Postal Service.

“Only Democrats and their corrupt allies in the media could literally take a nonexistent issue, the complete mundane, the complete routine, which is the Postal Service, and make it into a war, a crisis. You know, all of this hysteria, what are they talking about? This needs to be mocked. This needs to be laughed out of the room. This is so absurd. They’re literally spreading conspiracy theories, the same people mind you, that say there is no evidence of widespread mail-in fraud. Meanwhile, there’s been entire elections that have been fraudulent in Paterson, New Jersey, and look at the disaster that happened in New York City. They keep saying there’s no evidence, and then with literally zero evidence, they start spreading these wild conspiracy theories about MAGA-hat wearing postmen who are stealing the postboxes, and slowing down the mail, and they’re moving machines. This is insane. This is not healthy. There are very mundane reasons for all of these crazy conspiracies that Democrats and celebrities are pushing now. It’s so irresponsible.”