“United States, Welcomes The Decision” National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien On U.K’s Move To Cut Ties With Huawei

National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien spoke with Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson in an interview that was first reported at Townhall.com, about the U.K’s decision to cut ties with Chinese tech company Huawei. O’Brien welcomed the decision saying,

“Well, I think it’s welcome news for the West and for countries that care about data security. If you care about your people’s privacy or citizens privacy, are your concerned about intimate data that you’re concerned about the security of a country, you don’t want to have an untrusted 5G provider, which has back doors for the Chinese Communist Party and their secret police to get a hold of your data. So I welcome the decision the United States, welcomes the decision by the U.K., if that’s the case. I know it’s been widely reported and I think it’s I think it’s good news for the U.K. It’s also good news for the United States since we share so much intelligence with our close ally and our special relationship partner.”

Listen To Part One Of The Two Part Interview: