Gianno Caldwell: President Trump Can Use “Responsible Language” To Bring Us Together

On Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla, Fox News Contributor Gianno Caldwell explains why President Trump and other leaders need to use their position in society to bring the country together.

“We’ve gotten to the point that the water isn’t just spilling over in the pressure cooker, the top has shattered into thousands of pieces. That’s where we are. I’m not looking to scare anyone, that just says the urgency of how we as a country must come together. President Trump has a real job in this. He’s the president of United States. He’s our leader. And he has to use responsible language when discussing these issues and use his bully pulpit to bring us all together, and that’s for him, that’s for Joe Biden that;s s for anybody who’s a legitimate leader in this country and for the people who may not think they have any power. Maybe you’ve got thirty Twitter followers, or ten, or just two, your voice should be heard. You should be speaking to injustices in this country. We have to bring about justice. It has to be done swiftly.”