The woman who says President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee sexually assaulted her in high school has a deadline to inform Senators she’d like to testify at a hearing on Monday.
FOX’s Rachel Sutherland reports:
Christine Blasey Ford wants the FBI to investigate before a hearing… So far, President Trump has declined to get the agency involved, something Democratic Senator Doug Jones questions:
(Jones): “Why is there a reluctance to get the FBI involved? That’s what they do.”
Democrats say Republicans are rushing to a hearing. Senate Judiciary Committee chair Chuck Grassley defends the timeline:
(Grassley): “We’ve got to have time to plan for a hearing and if it’s going to come off, there is a certain time we’ve got to notify people.”
Some Republicans have signaled they’re ready to move on and vote if Ford decides not to testify on Monday.
In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.
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