Parenting: Online Safety & Stranger Danger

    We warn our kids not to talk to strangers, but they also need to know how to avoid inappropriate websites or why an explicit text from a friend could get them in trouble.

    FOX’s Lisa Brady reports in this week’s ‘FOX on Family’:

    Even kids aware of stranger-danger, may not be prepared for what’s lurking online:

    (Lozano) “You can be playing a video game and then there’ll be something that kind of comes up for pornography and all you have to do is click and you’re in a whole ‘nother world.”

    Licensed professional counselor Rusty Lozano says he and his wife were stunned during recent forums with middle school classes in Texas:

    (Lozano) “When she says how many of you girls have actually experienced a boy asking for a nude picture of you and she said more than half of those girls raised their hands.”

    In a separate room, nearly half of the boys reported some kind of a stranger-encounter, like someone trying to coax them into a car.

    Lozano urges parents to be proactive; warn kids about sexting and pornography, the laws against it and possible ripple effects, including blackmail:

    (Lozano) “From making a mistake of sending a picture and saying well, if you don’t send more, then I’m going to spread this around or I’m going to get you in trouble.”

    He recommends age-appropriate warnings for younger kids, too. Because once a child starts using a smart device, they can be a captive audience.

    With FOX on Family, I’m Lisa Brady.