Neighbors Helping Neighbors

    Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria left behind a trail of destruction lives were lost and damages are in the hundreds of billions. It could take years for many of the affected areas in Texas, Florida, the Caribbean and Puerto Rico to get back on their feet. But in times of hardship, many ordinary folks answered the call to help and continue to do extraordinary things to help rebuild.

    FOX News Radio’s “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”:

    Here are ways for you to help:

    Hurricane Harvey Families

    A matchmaking service looking for folks to “adopt” families affected by Hurricane Harvey. Help is needed for the holiday season!

    Sailors Helping

    A group of sailors helping to rebuild, organize and distribute aid in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean

    One America Appeal

    A joint effort from former Presidents Carter, H. W. Bush, Clinton, W. Bush and Obama to help those affected by the hurricanes

    Hispanic Federation

    A nonprofit organization spearheading relief and recovery efforts in Puerto Rico