Keeping the Romance Alive After Having Kids

    FOX’s Ashley Papa presents the latest edition of ‘FOX on Love’:

    When a couple goes from two-to three-becoming parents, it can be overwhelming. Suddenly, you’re both devoting your time and attention to the child. Romance is the last thing on your mind.

    Author, columnist and mom of three, Jill Osborn, has tips for couples to help keep the romance alive, once kids come along:

    (Osborn) “We try to laugh at our life because it is completely chaotic and we also try to flirt with one another still to this day.”

    Osborn suggests doing little things like “I love you” texts, sharing chores and activities together, and giving each other your own space at times:

    (Osborn) “When you do these little things for each other, it does help you fall in love over and over again which does keep the romance in the end.”

    As kids get older, you’ll find you have even less time for romance, that’s why Osborn advises to get into these habits early:

    (Osborn) “Before kids we were each others universe now our universe is our children. But we’re building that universe together.”

    With FOX on Love, I’m Ashley Papa.

    Follow Jill Osborn on Twitter: @Jill_Osborn
    Follow Ashley Papa on Twitter: @AshleyMPapa