‘Hand in Hand’ Telethon Raises over $14 Million

    The stars out Tuesday night raising millions of dollars for hurricane victims.

    FOX’s Jill Nado has that story:

    Stevie Wonder and a lots of other celebrities appearing on every major network for the ‘Hand in Hand’ telethon:

    (Oprah Winfrey & Cher) “Please give what you can.”

    Oprah Winfrey and Cher on hand as the benefit raised over $14 million. Comedian Stephen Colbert announcing much of that coming from one company:

    (Colbert) “Our friends at Apple have generously donated $5 million, which is coincidentally the price of the new iPhone.”

    Justin Bieber, Barbra Streisand, and Jay Leno all at the phone banks accepting donations.

    Jill Nado, FOX News.