Senator Calls for Criminal Investigation into Equifax Execs

    A credit score company’s huge personal information breach comes up at a Senate banking committee hearing.

    FOX’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Washington:

    Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp wants a criminal investigation into Equifax executives who sold stock in the weeks after the hack before it was disclosed to the public.

    Heitkamp among a growing number of lawmakers calling for Equifax to be held accountable for the breach, which affected up to 143 million people:

    (Heitkamp) “Americans are now forced to worry whether the information that hackers stole will have lasting impacts.”

    Ohio Democrat Sherrod Brown blasting Equifax for giving criminals access to people’s private information, saying they can’t just cancel a credit card to fix the problem.

    In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.

    Follow Rachel Sutherland on Twitter: @SutherlandFOX