“Your Voice Alone Has Great Power” – New Documentary Keeps Life of Sean Bell Alive

November 25, 2006, a day that would change Nicole Paultre Bell’s life forever. Her fiancée Sean Bell was shot and killed after leaving his bachelor party with some of his groomsmen in Jamaica, Queens. An undercover officer at the club followed Sean after hearing a mention of a gun while they left the nightclub. Bell was approached while getting inside his car by the undercover officer and four other police. Bell took off in the car as the officers opened fire, 50 shots in total. Bell was the only one on the car that was fatally wounded. The officers found no weapons in the vehicle.

The news of Bell’s death quickly spread and made national headlines. His fiancé Nicole Paultre wanted to keep his name alive by making the documentary ‘Before the Hashtag: Sean Bell’.

FOX’s Tonya J. Powers spends “A Few Moments With…” Nicole to discuss the documentary and the life of Sean Bell, who died at just 23-years-old.

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