Governor John Hickenlooper: Democrats Should Be About Good Government Not About Red Tape

Governor John Hickenlooper (D-CO) joined Brian Kilmeade to discuss what could be the beginning of a 2020 Presidential run and if that could take the shape of a bipartisan effort. “ Even if we (Hickenlooper/Kasich) could figure out some way and wanted to do it you’d never be able to raise money at least the kind of money you would need to run a national campaign. However, I think it’s more useful for Governor Kasich and me to work together on healthcare and demonstrate by trying to find compromises on some of these really vexing issues.” When asked by Brian to comment on speculation that he will run for President in 2020 Governor Hickenlooper had this to say. “The moment I start talking about 2020 and running for President I get distracted but not just me, my cabinet gets distracted. We’ve got about 499 days left in this administration, and we just want to finish strong.”

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