The FDA’s New Mission to Lower Nicotine in Cigarettes
The Food and Drug Administration aiming to cut the level of nicotine in cigarettes to help end addiction to smoking.
FOX’s Jessica Rosenthal reports:
FDA commissioner doctor Scott Gottlieb says they have new authority when it comes to cigarettes and e-cigarettes and plan to use it:
(Gottlieb) “We need to envision a world where cigarettes lose their addictive potential through reduced nicotine levels.”
He’s directing the center for tobacco products to develop a nicotine regulatory plan. But he also wants to know about any adverse impacts of this plan, like the possible development of a black market with higher nicotine cigarettes:
(Gottlieb) “Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States.”
He says without this kind of action later on, five and a half million young people will eventually die from tobacco use.
Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News.