Nevada Senator Office Break-In

    The Las Vegas office of U.S. Senator Republican Dean Heller burglarized Sunday.

    FOX’s Jeff Monosso reports: 

    Las Vegas Metro police tell FOX News that somebody broke into senator Dean Heller’s office Sunday morning. No word on what was taken from the Nevada Republican’s office, nor confirmation of a reported threatening note left behind.

    Senator Heller is among a handful of Republican Senators thrust into the national spotlight over the Trump administration’s efforts to scrap ObamaCare:

    (Heller) “Some of us have a little bit different ideas  but at this point the conversations I’ve had with the leader have been very very good.”

    Heller has not yet announced whether or not he will support the latest version of the bill. He’s considered a top target for Democrats in 2018 and his office isn’t commenting on the investigation surrounding the break-in.

    Jeff Monosso, FOX News. 

    Follow Jeff Monosso on Twitter: @JeffMonosso