Donald Trump Jr. Pushes Back on NYT Report on Russia Collusion

President Trump’s oldest son is also tweeting, now that he’s caught up in the Russia meddling issue.

FOX’s Jon Decker has more from the White House:

Responding to a New York Times story that claimed Donald Trump Jr. gave two different explanations in less than 24 hours about why he met with a Kremlin-linked lawyer. The President’s son took to Twitter, writing “No inconsistency in statements. Meeting ended up being primarily about adoptions. In response to further Questions, I simply provided more details.”

The Russian lawyer with whom Trump Jr. met in June of last year claimed she could provide potentially damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. in another tweet wrote sarcastically, “Obviously I’m the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent… went nowhere but had to listen.”

At the White House, Jon Decker, FOX News.