“A Whole New World” for Telly Leung, Broadway’s New Aladdin

His stint on TV’s “Glee,” just one career highlight for “Aladdin” leading man, Telly Leung. The honor-student son of Chinese immigrants, who’d hoped he’d become a doctor or a lawyer, Leung has been on Broadway since 2002 in shows from “Rent,” “Allegiance” and “In Transit” to his new role, soaring over the New Amsterdam Theatre stage on a magic carpet in Disney’s “Aladdin.”

Fox’s Jane Metzler talks with Telly Leung about starring in the hit musical; his Brooklyn upbringing…and how his hard-working parents continue to inspire him. Another role model in his life: fellow Asian actor and activist, original “Star Trek” cast member George Takei. Leung also tells the story behind his unusual first name. Hint: The catchphrase “Who loves ya baby?” has more than a little something to do with it.

Listen to the interview here:

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