Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine: The President Has Been Bullying A Lot Of Media Outlets

Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine joined the Brian Kilmeade Show to discuss the first leg of the President’s G-20 trip to Europe. “So far the President has done a great job. It’s about American leadership.” Said the mayor He went on to say that “A unified Europe is good for America. A Europe with a president that believes in Europe is good for the world.” On the topic of the now infamous CNN meme, he said, “I think I want Walter Cronkite to come back. I think we need objective news. There is no right there’s no wrong there’s only truth.” Lastly, what does the future hold for Mayor Levine, Maybe a run at Governor? On that, he had this to say, “People want this “Crazy” thing in your background called a job. They don’t want career politicians any longer. Once people like you and trust you, they’re willing to take that next step. It’s all about personal relationships.”

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