Jada Pinkett Smith: You Don’t Meet A lot of Girl’s-Girl’s in Hollywood

Jada Pinkett Smith will be everywhere this summer.

FOX’s Ashely Dvorkin has the scoop on the actress’ latest roles in this ‘FOX Celebrity Profile’:

Actress Jada Pinkett Smith is busy on both the big and small screen. On TV, she’s back on ‘Gotham’ and this summer she stars in the R-rated comedy ‘Girls Trip’:

(Smith) “What I love most about this project… You know, in Hollywood, you don’t meet a lot of girl’s girl’s. You don’t meet a lot of women that actually like other women, right?”

Outside of work, she and her husband are involved in the Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation, careers in entertainment initiative. The goal, to help kids that feel that they don’t have access to the industry:

(Smith) “Whether its boom operators, camera operators, actors, PR, agents… to come and do a panel in which they sit and take questions and really educate the youth about all these different areas of work in our entertainment industry. And then afterwards, we have an expo.”

As for piece of advice she gives: 

(Smith) “You have to be persistent, because there’s a lot of people trying to do what you wanna do.”

Ashley Dvorkin, FOX News.

Follow Ashley Dvorkin on Twitter: @AshleyDvorkin