Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Terrorists Targeting 8 Year Old Girls Has To Be A Turning Point In Uniting The World Against Terrorism

“This truly has to be a turning point. We suffered the greatest terrorist attack in modern history on September 11th, 3,000 people in 102 minutes but when we see that the enemy is still perpetrating its violence but now it is targeting 8 year old girls, that has to be a turning point for all civilized nations and that is why what the President is doing today with NATO and EU leaders is so crucial. we have to have a consensus on what the threat is because that is the only way we will defeat it.”

—Dr. Gorka on terrorists targeting 8 year old girls being a turning point in the war on terror

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to President Trump commented to Brian Kilmeade on reports British Prime Minister Theresa May plans to confront the President over leaks from the investigation into the deadly Manchester Arena attack that may have come from U.S. Officials. Dr. Gorka explained that the whole issue is not a function of intelligence sharing and has not affected our relationship with Great Britain, in fact he feels it’s never been stronger. Dr. Gorka however does feel that this is a turning point that should unite the world against terrorism.

Listen here:

Dr. Gorka on reports British Prime Minister Theresa May plans to confront President Trump over leaks from the investigation into the deadly Manchester Arena

(GORKA) I can only say two things, the first thing first, this whole issue is not a function of intelligence sharing, and it has not affected our intelligence sharing. That’s what we have to respond to that. Additionally let me stress the relationship between the United States and our cousins across the Atlantic has never been stronger….the relationship is a very, very strong one and healthy one and we are providing whatever they need.