Mom Warns Others about Sunscreen After Her Baby Suffers 2nd Degree Burns

Parents beware, could suntan lotion harm your child instead of protecting from UV rays?

FOX’s Alex Hein has details with your “Housecall for Health”:

This is Housecall for Health.

A mother in Canada wants other parents to pay extra attention to the type of sunscreen they choose for their children after she claims her 14 month old daughter suffered second degree burns from an aerosol kids sunspray.

Rebecca Cannon said she used Banana Boat Kids SPF 50 to protect her daughter Kyla and three-year-old nephew. Throughout the day she said she noticed her daughter’s face getting more and more red and when she woke the next day her cheeks had blistered.

She took her to the emergency rooms where doctors said it was a second degree chemical burn or a severe allergic reaction. A dermatologist agreed with the chemical burn diagnosis.

Banana Boat said they requested Cannon send the spray in so they could inspect it as part of the investigation, but Cannon said she wants more to be done after finding stories of similar experiences online.

According to a post on Facebook, Kyla is recovering from her injuries.

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Housecall for Health, I’m Alex Hein, FOX News.

Follow Alex Hein on Twitter: @Ahlex3889