Sheriff David Clarke: The Obama Administration Turned The Police Into Social Workers

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke joined Kilmeade & Friends to discuss his belief that the Trump Administration, especially with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, will be an ally for police officers unlike the Obama administration who treated the police like criminals. Clarke said a major problem in the morale and effectiveness of law enforcement across the country over the last few years is because Attorney Generals Eric Holder & Loretta Lynch turned the police into social workers in addition to the ACLU and Black Lives Matter being allowed to shape police policy.

Clarke also discussed what he calls ‘cultural rot’ among a sub set of the black community because of men fathering multiple kids out of wedlock, school failure being embraced in the community, too many people on welfare, alcohol abuse and young people joining gangs.

Plus, Sheriff Clarke addresses Dog The Bounty Hunter trying to draft him to run for the senate and also spoke about his new book, “Cop Under Fire: Moving Beyond Hashtags Of Race, Crime And Politics For A Better America

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Click here to order Sheriff Clarke’s new book “Cop Under Fire: Moving Beyond Hashtags Of Race, Crime And Politics For A Better America”