Tackling Heavy Relationship Questions Around the Holidays

    ‘Tis the season for holiday parties. And that means family reunions and dealing with those pesky and intrusive questions about your love life.

    FOX’s Ashley Papa reports: 

    With the holidays comes family reunions. For many, it’s exciting, but for others it’s a time to dread those unavoidable questions like, “when are you going to settle down?”

    Sarah Merrill, creator of ‘Big Kid Problems’ says if you’re single, and are constantly asked, “why” by say your great aunt or grandma, keep your answer super short:

    (Merrill) “I usually use something super generic like, “I just haven’t found the right person yet”. Or something similar, something that’s going to give them the idea that you don’t really want to talk about it. Or if all else fails, you can even try changing the subject.”

    If you’re in a relationship and get asked: “When are you getting married?” Merrill says say something like “When the time is right”.

    And if a nosey relative is bashing your sweetheart, don’t put up with it:

    (Merrill) “You can be nice and focus on the good things and say maybe you don’t like this about my boyfriend, but here’s the great things he does for me and pointing out their better qualities.”

    Maneuvering around these pesky questions can prevent you from dreading family gatherings this holiday.

    With FOX on Love, I’m Ashley Papa.

    Follow Sarah Merrill on Twitter: @BigKidProblems & VISIT HER SITE BY CLICKING HERE
    Follow Ashley Papa on Twitter: @AshleyMPapa