Marco Rubio Wins Re-Election in Florida

On the heels of a Donald Trump victory, comes the re-election to the U.S. Senate from one of Trump’s former competitors in the GOP Presidential contest.

FOX’s Eben Brown reports from Miami:

Florida senator Marco Rubio wasn’t planning to run for re-election after dropping out of the Republican presidential primaries, but after much convincing he ended up winning a second term. He tells supporters he knows the nation is divided and that many are to blame:

(Rubio) “The media, the government, big business, Wall Street, academia, they’ve all failed us. And so people are so frustrated and angry. But we must channel that anger and frustration into something positive.”

Rubio defeated Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy, a congressman. Democrats once felt they could use the race to regain Senate control.

In Miami, Eben Brown, FOX News.

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