Mr. Trump Goes to Washington, Opens New Hotel

Donald Trump spend part of his day on Pennsylvania Avenue cutting the ribbon on a new DC hotel.

FOX’s Jared Halpern has more from Washington:

Donald Trump often cites his businesses as part of his Election Day pitch.

(Trump) “Today is a metaphor for what we can accomplish for this country.”

He was on hand for the official opening of the Trump International Hotel…just a few blocks from the White House…a project he says was finished ahead of schedule and under budget.

(Trump) “We don’t hear those words too often in government, but you will.”

Still, the project is not without controversy…

Labor unions protested outside and a celebrity chef supposed to open a restaurant at the Trump hotel, but backed out, campaigned in Florida with Hillary Clinton.

In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News.

Follow Jared Halpern on Twitter: @JaredHalpern