FOX News Poll: Clinton Loses Ground on Trump

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in the latest FOX News Poll, but not by much.

FOX’s Jessica Rosenthal reports:

With third party candidates included, Clinton leads Trump by three points, five without the third party candidates. The poll’s margin of error is 2 1/5 points.

The latest FOX News Poll also found that Trump leads with Independent voters by 13 points. Now, Clinton leads with Black Americans with 82 percent of their vote. Trump gets just five percent.

While voters trust Clinton by a few points to do a better job with immigration, terrorism, and foreign affairs, Trump is favored when it comes to the economy. Voters prefer Clinton negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin by about three points. But she lead on that question by 13 points back in April.

Both candidates have low numbers when asked if they are honest and trustworthy, but Trump does better there 34 percent to Clinton’s 30 percent.

Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News.

Follow Jessica Rosenthal on Twitter: @JessicaFOXNews