Trump Campaign Manager Defends “Shackles” Comment

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump says he doesn’t want the support of House Speaker Paul Ryan and other Republicans who have walked away from his campaign.

FOX’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Washington:

Trump has said he may be better off without the support of establishment Republicans and tweeted that the shackles are off, and now he can fight for Americans the way he wants to:

(Conway) ”What he means is he’s just unencumbered right now. This idea that, do you support us, do you not support us? I mean he’s the top of the ticket, he’s the presidential nominee.”

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told FOX & Friends past Presidential nominees have gotten far more support from members of their own party, and pointed out that some of the money that Trump has been raising is going to the re-election campaigns of lawmakers who don’t support him.

In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.

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