FOX News Poll: Trump has Slight Lead on Clinton Head-to-Head

The Presidential race is a statistical dead heat according to the latest FOX News Poll.

FOX’s Gurnal Scott with more:

The gap between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the just released FOX News poll one point among likely voters, but who has the advantage depends on who’s in the mix.

Head-to-head, Trump leads Clinton 46-to-45 percent, but in a four-way race, it’s Clinton over Trump 41-to-40 percent.

The poll gauged how voters felt about the world. 57 percent say it’s going to “hell in a hand-basket”. 7 in 10 voters say they aren’t pleased with government here at home.

On specific issues, Trump is trusted more on the economy and government corruption. Clinton gets a clear nod in matters of immigration and race.

Gurnal Scott, FOX News.

Follow Gurnal Scott on Twitter: @GurnalScott
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