Zika Money Running Out, Congress Urged to Pass Bill

    Congress has yet to approve a bill that would allocate more than a billion dollars to help combat the spread of the Zika virus, which is now being transmitted locally in at least two neighborhoods in Florida. Now, federal health officials and leading professional medical associations are sounding an alarm that the money will run out soon if no action is taken by Washington.

    FOX’s Eben Brown reports from Miami:

    Money currently pulled from leftover Ebola programs and whatever spare cash the Department of Health Human and Services had put towards Zika research and prevention is going to run dry by the end of the month, says Dr. Beth Bell at the CDC:

    (Dr. Bell) ”There will be severely limited capacity to support mosquito control and surveillance, and no support to state and states and territories like Florida and Puerto Rico to manage cases of Zika diagnosed patients.”

    Congress is now back from summer break and some members, like the Florida delegation, are trying to push through a $1.1 billion Zika bill.

    In Miami, Eben Brown, FOX News.

    Follow Eben Brown on Twitter: @FOXEbenBrown