Trump Gold Star Family Battle Boils Over

The controversy continues over what Republican Donald Trump has been saying about Khizr and Ghazala Khan, Muslim parents of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq.

FOX’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Washington:

Trump has suggested Mrs. Kahn was kept quiet as her husband spoke about their dead Army officer son at the DNC. She says she was just grief-stricken.

Trump tweeted that Mr. Kahn is viciously attacking him, and that this story is about fighting radical Islamic terror, something Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has also said:

(Manafort) ”Mr. Trump has said we’re going to do it differently. And that’s what we should be talking about, not Mr. Kahn and his tragedy.”

Senator John McCain, who was a POW, says Trump has disparaged a fallen soldier’s parents and that his views do not represent the Republican party.

In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.

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