Cameron is Leaving More Than Just Downing Street

    Britain’s Prime Minister moving out of Ten Downing Street, but the Downing Street cat is staying put.

    FOX’s Simon Owen reports from London:

    In his final appearance in Parliament as Prime Minister:

    (Cameron) It gives me the opportunity to put a rumour to rest.

    David Cameron declaring his love for Larry the Ten Downing Street cat:

    (Cameron) And the rumour that somehow I don’t love Larry, I do and I have photographic evidence to prove it.

    Cameron later posting a photo on Twitter showing the pair together.

    Larry’s furry face is well-known and well-liked here in the UK. He even has a title, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office.

    Cameron revealing that while his time in Downing Street is up, the cat is staying put.

    (Cameron) Sadly, I can’t take Larry with me, he belongs to the house and the staff love him very much, as do I 

    In London, Simon Owen, FOX News.

    FOX’s Simon Owen on Twitter: @bigso