British Parliament Remembers Murdered Lawmaker

Tributes in the British parliament to a murdered lawmaker.

FOX’s Simon Owen reports from London:

In a somber session in Parliament here, Prime Minister David Cameron leading tributes to Jo Cox:

(Cameron) We’re here today to remember an extraordinary colleague and friend

Cameron speaking four days after Mrs. Cox was shot and stabbed to death as she prepared to meet with constituents in her district:

(Cameron) We express our anger at the sicking and despicable attack that killed her

Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party of which Mrs. Cox was a member, saying it appears increasingly likely that the killing was an act of extreme political violence:

(Corbyn) We all have a responsibility in this house and beyond not to whip up hatred and sew division

Prosecutors have charged a man with murder.

In London, Simon Owen, FOX News.

FOX’s Simon Owen on Twitter: @bigso