We All Bike… Safely… for Ice Cream!

    Police in a small Pennsylvania community are putting a new focus on traffic safety, handing out a lot of tickets.

    FOX’s Dave Anthony reports:

    They’re being ticketed all over White Haven, Pennsylvania:

    (Girl) “I think we’ve been cited like twice.”

    And that girl hopes she gets more:

    (Szoke) “We give them to every kid we see riding a their bicycle with a helmet.”

    Police Chief Thomas Szoke says those tickets are actually citations the kids can turn in at a White Haven ice cream shop for a free cone or cup:

    (Szoke) “If they’re being safe, doing the right things, we cite them.”

    And the chief says this is one time when they’ll encourage repeat offenders this summer:

    (Girl) “A lot of people try and get out then and wear their helmets and ride their bikes so they get a ticket.”

    Dave Anthony,�FOX News.