A Day at the Beach: Tourist Gets Stuck in the Sand at Mission Beach in San Diego

    A day at the beach was no picnic for some tourists in California.

    FOX’s Dave Anthony reports:

    They didn’t dig playing in the sand:

    (McKenzie) “You heard the phrase you can dig yourself into a hole sometimes and just can’t get out and that’s kind of what happened.”

    Jevonte McKenzie and his friends dug big holes at Mission Beach in San Diego on Sunday:

    (Lopez) “We had an idea to make a tunnel connecting one hole to the other hole.”

    But Louie Lopez got in too deep:

    (McKenzie) “The tide had just kept getting bigger and bigger.”

    And the water quickly filled those holes:

    (McKenzie) “He got stuck and we thought we could get him out.”

    But they couldn’t and Lopez was buried up to his neck:

    (Lopez) “All the pressure and the suction from the water and the sand just made it all bad.”

    Lifeguards had to rush over, shoveling while using surfboards to block incoming water and they pulled him out unhurt, but with a new respect for the power of the ocean.

    Dave Anthony, FOX News.