Florida Pilot Gets 120 Days in Jail for Landing Small Gyrocopter on U.S. Capitol Lawn

    A Florida pilot who landed a small gyrocopter on the U.S. Capitol lawn will spend a few months in jail.

    FOX’s Jared Halpern has more from Washington:

    A federal judge has sentenced Douglas Hughes to 120 days in jail, months fewer than prosecutors asked for after a tax day stunt last year sparked a security scare at the U.S. Capitol.

    Hughes flew a light-weight aircarft called a gyrocopter from Gettysburg Pennsylvania into restricted D.C. airspace to call attention to the influence of money in politics.

    He pleaded guilty in November to operating that gyrocopter without a license.

    Federal prosecutors asked for a 10 month prison sentence, arguing the retired mail carrier put lives at risk. Hughes’s attorneys asked for no jail time.

    In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News.