Bernie Sanders Picks Up 55 Delegates Over the Weekend

Democrat Bernie Sanders scored big over the weekend, beating Hillary Clinton in three states, but the former Secretary of State still leads in the delegate count.

FOX’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Washington:

Sanders won Alaska, Washington state and Hawaii on Saturday, picking up 55 delegates. Clinton got 20.

Still, Clinton maintains a commanding delegate lead, especially when the so-called super delegates are factored in. They can change their minds at the Democratic National Convention this summer.

Sanders told ABC’s “This Week” he thinks they will when they consider one question:

(Sanders) ”Which candidate is better positioned to defeat Trump or any of the other Republican candidates. I think a lot of super delegates are going to conclude it’s Bernie Sanders.”

The next Democratic and Republican primaries are April 5 in Wisconsin.

In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.