General Motors Set to Receive Largest Profit Sharing Checks in Company History
General Motors workers are about to receive the largest profit sharing checks in company history.
FOX’s Gary Baumgarten reports:
Just eight years after the government bailed the company out, General Motors enjoyed it’s best net profits ever last year resulting in profit sharing checks of $11,000 for each hourly worker.
Down the road from the GM Wentzville Missouri plant, Ralph Hauk at Poage Chevrolet is expecting a steady stream of customers once the 3,000 who work three receive their wind falls:
(Hauk) “We cater to the GM employees and a lot of those GM employees come here for service and sales and we know that the show room is going to be full of people.”
The company says the profits were fueled by strong SUV and truck sales. The checks are supposed to arrive by February 26.
Gary Baumgarten, FOX News.