Georgia Teen Freed From Being Sex Slave

    A Georgia mother crediting Clayton County detectives for freeing her 16-year-old daughter who was held as a sex slave for months.

    FOX’s Gary Baumgarten reports:

    Kanesha Searcy Eason’s daughter went to a Halloween party and never came home:

    (Eason) “From Halloween to January, she missed Thanksgiving, she missed Christmas, we just didn’t know. You know, it’s like where is my baby, why would she not come home?”

    It turns out her daughter’s drink was spiked at the party. When she woke up, she found herself being forced to be a prostitute.

    Eason says Clayton County detectives found her daughter advertised on a sex site. They then posed as customers and freed her and arrested three people who were holding her captive.

    Eason says if it weren’t for the hard work of the cops, she’s afraid her daughter would have ended up dead.

    Gary Baumgarten, FOX News.