Green Bay Packers and Fans Can Now Enjoy Green Milk

Packers fans with NFL playoff fever can now drink it in.

FOX’s Dave Anthony reports:

They’re putting the green in Green Bay:

(Kyllo) “What better than a green colored milk to really celebrate the Packers in the playoffs and wish them well.”

Rachel Kyllo works for Kemps Dairy, which makes the Packers power pint. Even though the company is headquartered in Minnesota Vikings country, the milk’s made at a facility in Wisconsin:

(Male) “Haven’t tasted it yet, but I’m going to.”

He’s at a store that just got a shipment and this Packer fan likes it:

(Female) “It tastes pretty good. I think it tastes like egg nog.”

And cheeseheads as Packers fans are known will like it even better if Green Bay beats the Arizona Cardinals this Saturday Night.

Dave Anthony, FOX News.