Republicans To Square Off In Fifth Debate

For the fifth time, Republicans looking to become President square off… this time in Las Vegas.

FOX’s Jared Halpern is there with a preview:

Donald Trump’s name looms at large on the famed strip here and the front-running candidate drew hundreds at a rally on debate-eve.

(Trump) “In Nevada… in Nevada we’re winning big. Big!”

Trump has added Texas Senator Ted Cruz to his lines of attack, as Cruz’s campaign surges, particularly in Iowa where Fox News and other polls show Cruz leading.

(Trump) “That was just Iowa. Don’t worry about it. Iowa… We love Iowa, but I think we’re doing great in Iowa.”

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is also critical of Cruz, describing an isolationist policy that undermines U.S. intelligence agencies.

(Rubio) “I won’t even hire anyone without looking at their social media. Imagine letting people into the country without at least looking at their social media.”

Dr. Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, John Kasich and Chris Christie are also on the prime-time main stage.

In Las Vegas, Jared Halpern, FOX News.