Speaker Paul Ryan’s Tackling Key Issues Already

    Less than a week on the job for the new House Speaker and already it’s starting to sound familiar Capitol Hill…

    FOX News’ Jared Halpern reports:

    House Speaker Paul Ryan took the gavel with the debt limit set aside and a two-year budget agreement in place, but that won’t end potential spending fights.

    (Ryan) “This is the legislative branch and the power of the purse rests with the legislative branch and we fully expect that we’re going to exercise that power.”

    That was Speaker Ryan’s answer to a question about potentially attaching policy riders dealing with thing like Planned Parenthood or the Affordable Care Act to a spending bill needed by December 11.

    House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer calling it irresponsible to play chicken and he’s critical Ryan has dismissed working with the President on a comprehensive immigration deal.

    On Capitol HIll, Jared Halpern, FOX News.