Prep Student Convicted of Sexual Assault Will Serve One-Year in Jail

    One year in the county jail and probation. That’s what a judge has decided the former New Hampshire prep school student convicted of sexually assaulting a female student must serve for his crime.

    FOX News Radio’s Gurnal Scott with the story:

    Owen Labrie stood silent as he learned his fate. The decision coming after the victim’s family members, including her mother, said the crime changed their outlook…

    (Victim’s Mother) “We no longer see good in the world as a natural part of our lives, but instead have witnessed evil.”

    Labrie’s Attorney J.W. Carney argued for just probation, saying a single question should be considered…

    (Carney) “What is an appropriate sentence for a boy who was consensually in an encounter with a girl?”

    The judge disagreed with the notion of consent. Labrie must also undergo evaluation and have no contact with the victim.

    Gurnal Scott, FOX News Radio.