House Republicans Select Paul Ryan As New Speaker of the House

House Republican leaders have nominated Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan to be the next Speaker of the House, but the caucus vote failed to clear a key hurdle…

FOX News Radio’s Jon Decker has more from Washington:

200 House Republicans voted to nominate Paul Ryan for speaker; 43 voted for Daniel Webster of Florida, a member of the Freedom Caucus.

Ryan, who promised to deliver what he called a “bold agenda” reluctantly agreed to run after John Boehner announced that he was resigning and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy suddenly dropped out of the race.

Ryan, the 2012 GOP Vice Presidential candidate, needs 218 votes by the full House to be elected Speaker tomorrow.

But if he comes up short, the House must keep voting repeatedly until it gets to a Speaker.

At the White House, Jon Decker, FOX News Radio.