Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook.

“Guy annoys girlfriend with puns at Ikea.”

Ikea. The furniture store famous for its meatballs and infamous for its products with Swedish monikers, sets the stage for this viral video. A boyfriend… likely battling boredom, comes up with some clever jokes while reading item tags. His girlfriend, however, is not amused.

Following a clip filled with puns, the best prescription could be this music video…

“Little Big Town – Pain Killer.”

It’s country with a twang of island flavor. Little Big Town gets down right tropical in this video, set on an exotic island while the band sing a song that’s essentially country music’s equivalent of “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”

Speaking of music…

“Sick rave street lights by Warden and Major Mac.”

Filmed from the interior of a car, this cell phone quality video captures malfunctioning street lights blinking almost in sync to the dated techno music blasting from the vehicle. Well, if you can’t afford the club, just hit the road. Now I’m making bad jokes.

For these videos and more, go to

I’m Lauren Faulkner and those are your Facebook Status Updates on FOX News Radio.

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