Topless In Times Square, NYC

    The controversy is making New Yorkers take sides… on whether going topless for tips should be allowed in a more family-friendly Times Square.

    FOX News Radio’s Gurnal Scott reports: 

    This past weekend’s ‘topless parade’ only put a spotlight on the controversy of women dressed only in body paint — from the waist up, for all to see parading through Times Square.

    Those who deem it inappropriate…

    (Bystander) ”There’s, like, little children coming by.”

    And those who don’t…

    (Bystander) ”I think it’s fantastic.”

    Are weighing in. Mayor Bill de Blasio is not a fan and is convening a task force to look at his options, which include re-opening Times Square to traffic and two other ideas: Declaring the solicitation a business, and making Times Square park land… Both of which could be tightly regulated.

    Gurnal Scott, FOX News Radio.