Revealing Survey! Which State Is Most Naked?
New Jersey tops the nation in a revealing new survey.
FOX News Radio’s Lisa Brady reports:
What’s the most unapologetic thing, you do at home?
(Resident) “I think being naked is completely natural.”
New Jersey residents more likely than anyone else to be naked at a home, 142% more likely than in runner up Louisiana in a new survey by real-estate app Trulia and online sharing community Whispers.
Though some in New Jersey are skeptical especially given the climate…
(Resident) “Heating is expensive so in order to be naked a lot you have to turn up the heat at home. I find it very hard to believe. And New Jersey is also very uptight.”
The survey is part of the app’s #TruliHome campaign that pitches finding a home where you can be you.
Lisa Brady, FOX New Radio.