Al Qaeda No. 2 Leader Killed By U.S. Drone Strike, Group Says

    The U.S. takes out one of the world’s top terrorists.

    FOX News Radio’s Jessica Golloher reports:

    It’s the harshest blow to al Qaeda since the death of Usama bin Laden. Nasir al Wahishi, the leader of the group in Yemen, and the No. 2 in command of all of al Qaeda’s insurgents, was killed in a U.S. drone strike last week.

    The group confirming al Wahishi’s death, in a video statement, calling him a Muslim hero and vowing to continue the war against America.

    Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen is seen as the most dangerous. It has been linked to a number of foiled attacks on American soil.

    In Jerusalem, Jessica Golloher, FOX News Radio.