Former TX Gov. Rick Perry Tries Again

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry is once again running for President.  There have been no shortages of replays of Perry’s appearance in a 2011 debate in which the governor appeared to lose his train of thought.  Will his supporters see past that years-old gaffe?

FOX News Radio’s Eben Brown reports: 

Rick Perry can’t live it down. He couldn’t remember the third government agency he’d cut if he won the election in 2012.

(Perry) “I can’t. The third one I can’t. Sorry. Oops.”

But, friends like Ginger Howard say Perry just wasn’t prepared for the campaign then; that he ran because friends urged him.

(Howard) “Actually, I was one of them. I kinda feel guilty. (Laughter) I’m so sorry (laughter). Please forgive me, Rick!”

But this campaign, she says, is Perry’s decision, purely.

(Howard) “But this time he was more prepared, and now he really feels like this is his time.”

In Dallas, Eben Brown, FOX News Radio.