Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook:

“Student Prays after Medical Emergency at Graduation.”

Christian Crawford is making headlines for delivering this impromptu prayer. After a woman in the crowd suffered a seizure during the Clay-Chalkville High School graduation, the Alabama student took to the podium to preach. Speaking to an audience of roughly 1,000 people, Crawford led about 300 graduates in prayer. The video of his faithful act has gained national attention, and Crawford has since been interviewed by FOX News to discuss this inspirational message that concluded with a round of applause from the audience at the graduation.

Then, there’s this:

“Internet Slang Explained by Dan Rather.”

This trending Buzzfeed video features former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather guessing the meaning to some lingo used online, which he often gets wrong. It’s kind of funny to watch the serious newsman attempt to decipher Internet jargon used predominately by millenials.

And, Facebook users are hitting the “like” button on:

“Takin’ Care of Livestock (Takin’ Care of Business Parody).”

The Peterson Farm Brothers are back, returning to the Internet spotlight with this trending parody that cleverly spoofs the classic rock song, “Takin’ Care of Business” in order to spread their message… The value of farming.

For these videos and more, go to

I’m Lauren Faulkner and those are your Facebook Status Updates on FOX News Radio.

Follow Lauren on Twitter: @FaulknerFOXNews

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